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What does hourglass mean on snapchat?

    • 1 posts
    June 10, 2024 6:08 AM EDT

    The hourglass symbol on Snapchat is more than just a decoration. If you wants to know then learn about its role in maintaining your Snapstreak and how to prevent it from disappearing. You can visit the link to know more about what does hourglass mean on snap, then visit the link. 

    • 7 posts
    June 10, 2024 6:37 AM EDT

    Understanding the 'hourglass' icon on Snapchat can be as important as keeping up with the latest updates from Tech Giants Face-off: All You Want to Know About Google I/O and Apple WWDC 2024. Just as the hourglass marks a moment of pause or countdown, these tech conferences mark a time of anticipation and reflection about the future of technology. Both serve as reminders that in the digital age, every second counts, whether it's waiting to send a message or the next big tech reveal.